Procedures Depicted
- Breast Augmentation
Details for Case #7314
This 37-year-old mother wanted to restore her breasts. Her breasts had developed some capsular contracture from implants that she had placed in her breasts several years ago. She wanted a Los Angeles or Santa Monica plastic surgeon that could mend the damage caused from her previous implants and implant new, better implants.
She chose to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates. During her consultation, her surgeon explained in detail how he would remove her previous breast capsules and place new, implants of whatever size she preferred. She decided that she wanted to have larger implants, made of silicone, inserted in placement of her old ones.
Incisions were made around her areolas, where her surgeon lifted the skin and removed her prior breast capsules. Her new Moderate Plus Profile silicone gel implants, filled to 550 cc, were placed in these submuscular pockets.
Now her breasts are the larger size she desired and her new implants give her a much fuller look. She is very happy with her restored and enhanced look of her breasts that results from her breast augmentation in Los Angeles.