Procedures Depicted
- Breast Augmentation
Details for Case #7238
This 31-year-old woman wanted to have a fuller figure. While she was happy with the rest of her figure, she was unhappy with the size of her breasts. She began searching for a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who performed breast enlargement in Los Angeles, determined to have the breasts she had always wanted.
During her consultation, her surgeon helped her decide what type and size implants she wanted, in addition to the incision placement. This patient decided to have 401 cc cohesive silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through periareolar incisions, or incisions around the nipple. Inserting the implants through an incision around the nipple provides for minimal scarring which blends into the darker skin. Placing the implant under the muscle gives a more natural slope to the breasts that can be very desirable.
After her procedure, her breasts were much fuller and shapelier, as can be seen in her “after” photos. She was very happy with the size of her breasts and glad she had come to Marina Plastic Surgery Associates for breast implants in Los Angeles. As the bikini tan lines suggest, this patient is already enjoying her new look outdoors.